Saturday, March 22, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

Surgery insomnia is the inability to sleep due to surgery. The paper work said it's due to lack of brain stimulation throughout my day and that it will solve on it's own. Just give it time. So here's what happens I go to bed at 9:30 I sleep to 12:20 and I either just get up, toss and turn, read, bathe, repeat. Then like clock work 5:30 hits and I'm out. When our house awakes at 6 I try to participate but I'm exhausted, cranky, have blood shot eyes, and only want to sleep......this cycle is going on still. I am going crazy. I think this is the 2nd  worst part of recovery. But come Monday, St. Patrick's Day I decided that this insomnia thing was not going to work it's self out and I was going to stimulate my brain so much I'd sleep like a rock. I was not going to nap. Dane was home so I was ambitious. I was cooking an Irish meal. First time cooking since the surgery and I was going to make layered rainbow jello. I even went on a trip to Carters for a baby gift. All this was going well until I tried to make Jello. I cannot make Jello. EVER. And layered Jello at that. The Webb's who joined us for a minute that night can attest to that. So St. Patrick's day was like all other St. Patrick's day crazy, fun and entertaining. That night I slept to 2:20 and the next morning started a puzzle.I must stop napping and stimulate this brain of mine. Sigh.

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